I thought with this blog, I would talk about some of the things we do as a family (and me as a third trimester pregnant woman with my 5th baby) to stay healthy and help align our bodies to the shift happening all over now.
The first thing is nutritional supplements.
I have been studying nutrition for years. I started in the Navy helping others get healthy and this took me down a long road to "alternatives" that made more sense to my body and what I was trying to do. My goal is to no longer need anything unnatural and to have my body do what it's supposed to do on it's on without anything but food and water. Well this hasn't happened yet. But we are getting closer. Some of my imbalances include high yeast (which 99% of the population have...symptoms include lots of skin irritations, irrational behavior, obsession of sweets...prelude to diabetes), hormonal imbalances (magnesium helps this as well as B vitamins, find out what you're low in with a blood test), poor digestion and absorption of nutrients (due to little to know digestive enzymes), low iron and B12 (which leads to fatigue, weakness, and headaches), as well as low magnesium and potassium (headaches and muscle cramps), and chronic heart burn due to a hiatal hernia. And I'm 7 months pregnant. So in supplements, this translates to 2 Raw Prenatal vitamins a day, plus 1 20 billion 12 strain probiotic, 1 organic triple fiber, Ultimate omega (every other day) switched with prenatal DHA, a liquid iron supplement taken with high vitamin C natural 100% juice (every other day, vitamin C helps absorb iron), and a calcium-magnesium-zinc trace mineral liquid supplement in electrolyte water every other day (not when I take the iron...calcium and iron don't mix well.)
I also consume no cow dairy (allergic), no wheat or gluten (allergic), no yeast (allergic), no fungus (doesn't go well with me), and very little meat (no read meat at all...yuck). I try to combine all my meals to include a dark green raw leafy veg, a starch of potato, rice or quinoa, a protein of either lentils, legumes, eggs, or fish or fowl and a high vitamin C fruit such as pineapple (abundant here in Hawaii). I also try to get mostly organic food (when finances permit).
For my children, they take a natural multi vitamin with a separate DHA vitamin and separate probiotic...all chewable and two are gummy. They love it and they are all organic! :D They also pretty much eat what I do, but they don't have dairy allergies so once and a while I do give them dairy (as organic as possible).
Now we do occasionally have to supplement some unhealthy food choices (do to cost) over healthy ones, but it's all in extreme moderation and we NEVER eat out. Well, maybe once every month or two to our local organic vegan restaurant...that's it.
What does this translate too...
None of my kids are sick (chronically or otherwise). My 2 year old has never (that's right NEVER been sick). Those that had asthma when they were little don't anymore, no one is obese or overweight (with the exception of me and being 7 months pregnant but I have dropped over 40 pounds this year even while pregnant....it's a slow process). No one takes prescription medicine, has to see a doctor regularly (even me...I see a naturopath for my pregnancy), or have any food related issues. Granted we are still of the supplement train but I can see an end to that in our future, once our bodies are balanced permanently.
Another thing I choose to do for a healthier me and baby is have my babies at home. I feel that it is much safer and natural for me to do what my body says it needs than what a doctor says. I have had three hospital births and all ended up with baby having issues (whether from drugs, stressed out momma, or "over-helping"), my last home birth brought a baby who was exceptionally healthy and remains this way. With this pregnancy, I am on a super-healthy kick (probably has something to do with the 11-11-11 energy) and I can just feel when any little thing is "out of whack" with my body and I immediately adjust it with either stretching, supplements, or food. I also drink a TON of water (probably about 70 ounces a day usually with electrolytes for better absorption and no retention). This has also been the first baby where I have had NO WATER RETENTION...none whatsoever. I know this is because I have a combination between water, food, and supplements that are working with what my body needs.
I have my hubby on his own regimen which is similar to mine (similar issues), but his also includes extra help for his mood and anxiety as he was (yes WAS) on an anti anxiety medication for years. I get all my products at cost online and buy my probiotics at the local health food store (because they need to be cold). And when I have this baby, we will be turning my placenta into pill form for proper hormone and nutritional balancing for me and my nursing infant. (for more info click here)
Everything I do has to be easily shift-able as I am always shifting (so is my body), and what was once working may not continue and that has a lot to do with being intuned with my body and not allowing fear or "outside" influences dictate to me what I need. I know what I need and I go with it. But I had to study a lot to get there and seek out those that were already doing things the natural way and get insight from them.
There are two ways to live in this world, being told what to do that's best for you, or listening to yourself and KNOWING what's best for you. There is no doctor in the world that knows more about your body than you do. You've had it the longest and you've endured and triumphed everything in life with it. It is YOURS.
Here are some helpful links I use to find proper nutrition and healthy alternatives
Helpful documentaries to encourage healthy shifting...
Food INC
The business of being born
Orgasmic Birth
A river of waste
And for more information about the 11/11/11 energy, you can go to my site here
I hope this helps someone make small changes in the direction their souls encourage them to go and grow!
Happy shifting!
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