Monday, June 25, 2012

Tips and Tricks for the Reiki Master (Teacher's Aid) Demonstrations

Along with my new healing manuals I am re-doing and recreating for my healing classes, I thought that since most of my students have been distant learning from me though phone or email, I should probably show some visual demonstrations of general healing exercises that can aid in the over all absorption of the Reiki energy for the Master and the student(s).

So here are two demonstration videos of easy exercises and general knowledge of Reiki symbols one could use as a teaching aid or personal practice.  Hope this helps!  Any questions or suggestions, please leave in the comment section below!



Friday, June 8, 2012

Leaving Hawaii

Well after 7 years in paradise, the Universe and it's infinite wisdom decided it's time for my family and I to move Virginia Beach, here we come!  But before I go, I wanted to let everyone know what I'm up to on my way out of island living...

From my site...

OK Hawaii, I am leaving in 7 short weeks. So much to the request of many, I am offering a once in a life time opportunity for a psychic reading (which I DON'T DO, unless on the radio) for $100/for one hour with a Kamaaina and Military discount of 20% off to Hawaii residents and active duty military and dependents ($80) until 31 July 2012. Are you in a fog right now? Feel blocked or stuck? Wondering what your next move should be in a relationship or career? Call me at (401) 835-3755 and spread the word because I will not be doing readings again in my career. This is your opportunity for some guidance and my chance to leave Hawaii with some happy well informed Islanders! :D Lots of Aloha and much Mahalos!

Why is this a big deal?  Because it's me completely trusting my own intuition on it's own and coming in to my full potential.  I can't wait to see what wonders this will bring, and I will keep you all posted when I'm back in Virginia figuring out the lay of the land there :D

Love you Hawaii, you will always be in my heart!